Rich surprised me and set up a 10 day cruise/tour experience in Alaska. Here are some highlights of the first few days!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Overlooking the city from the opposite hill on the other side of the river.

We heard of a well known pathway called the "Philosophers Path" on the opposite side of the river. We decided to hike it, and I mean it was an uphill hike. It was well worth it, though, when we saw this view.
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On the Castle bridge overlooking the city.

This is on the garden bridge on the side of the Heidelberg Castle. The gardens are very pretty and view is amazing!!
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Inside the Heidelberg Castle.

Here are the kids inside the courtyard of the Heidelberg Castle. The whole thing is really amazing!!! The statues on the wall aren't original, but the wall is.
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Going to the park!!

This is the path we use to get to the Neckar River Park. People will ride by on their bikes or walk. These pictures really don't do it justice. The trees all shade the path and most of them are full of pink or white flowers. It is gorgeous!!
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Playing on the rock/water structure at the park.

On really warm days they will turn on the water for this rock climbing area. The kids LOVED it so we spent the day "swimming" at the park.
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Riding the Rattlesnake!!

This is another see-saw thing at the Neckar River park. It is neat because it bends in several places and about 6 kids can use it at the same time. Evan absolutely LOVED it and really put up a fight when it was time to get off.
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Alyssa chasing pigeons!!!

This is a little common area below the Heidelberg Castle. We took a break after spending the day at the castle and the kids had a blast chasing all the pigeons around the brick plot and the fountain in the middle.
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On the "Rattlesnake See-saw thing"

We spent the morning at the Neckar River park. Here is another see-saw thing that is shaped like a rattlesnake, but goes up and down in several places. Evan absolutely LOVED this and really put up a fight when it was time to go.
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Alyssa chasing pigeons!!!

This is a nice little "common area" right below the Heidelberg Castle. After spending the day at the castle, we took a break here. Alyssa and the other kids had a blast chasing pigeons all around the brick lot.
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Alyssa chasing pigions in a common area below the Heidelberg Castle.

After spending the afternoon at the Heidelberg Castle, we stopped to take a break in a nice common area. Alyssa and the other kids had a blast chasing pigeons all around the fountain and brick lot.
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